Easy, delicious and healthy Pasta with Chicken, Bacon, Peas and Gorgonzola recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Pasta with Chicken,...
I got this recipe from The Kitchen on Food Network. It sounds amazing and I was pleasantly surprised that it is low cal too!
Easy, delicious and healthy Jamie Oliver's chicken, sausage and prawn jambalaya recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Jamie Oliver's...
slow cooker chicken dish
These are different the pot pie is topped with creamy mashed potatoes and it is delicious
My picky DH loved this!
LOW-CAL full dinner!!! A favorite amongst my 2 y/o as well!! I promise this is the BEST chicken divan and I didnt cut the fat in this recipe, but you can...
Major comfort food from my childhood
My easy and tasty revamping of a Marie Callendar favorite.... and new favorite dinner to my 8-year old daughter!
Easy, delicious and healthy Chicken-sausage and asparagus saute over cheese grits recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Chicken-sausage...
Easy, delicious and healthy Grilled Chicken Breast with Onions, Green and Red Peppers recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Grilled Chicken...
15 min prep / 70 min cook
Easy, delicious and healthy Okra-and-Corn Maque Choux - Southern Living recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Okra-and-Corn Maque Choux...
Easy, delicious and healthy Chicken and Sausage Cacciatore with Grape Tomatoes recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Chicken and Sausage...
Turkey & Zucchini Pasta Casserole
A simple quick hearty healthy meal.
All from scratch, all low-fat. No cream soup in this recipe. It has a fresh, zippy taste, but be careful on the cooking, as you don't want to overheat...
Pioneer Woman's recipe with some lower fat alterations
This 15 Bean recipe can be made with either Cajun spice pack, or the plain, with salt and pepper to taste. It can be made in a crockpot (soak beans overnight,...
Easy, delicious and healthy Crock Pot Chicken and Pierogies recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Crock Pot Chicken and Pierogies.
Easy, delicious and healthy Chicken & Cream Cheese Wontons recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Chicken & Cream Cheese Wontons.
Looks like a quick and easy chicken dish for during the week. These are very good and juicy.
Easy, delicious and healthy Aurora's Chicken Pepperoni recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Aurora's Chicken Pepperoni.
4 ingredients, 5 minutes of prep time--and no mess to clean up!
The pork isn't included in calorie count because I can never find any where I live
Another take on one of those great low fat recipes from the Podleski sisters. This one gives you extra-tasty oven barbecued chicken thighs. Recipe comes...
This is martha stewart's recipe. I just posted it here to get calorie count. It can be lightened up as desired. Original recipe calls for four 8 oz. ramekins...
Easy, delicious and healthy Chicken Mozambique (Rival Crockpot Incredibly Easy Recipies) recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Chicken...
Phase One recipe from "The South Beach Diet" by Arthur Agatston, M.D.
Got this from the Kraft website, needed to modify for a few things.
This tastes just like lasagna, but with not a noodle in sight.
An american dish with that hint of spicy flavor to kick it off.
I have tweaked this recipe over the years as a full fat recipe, but now that I'm eating healthy, it's been transformed into an easy, yummy recipe that...
Easy, delicious and healthy Mini Spinach Casserole with Ricotta Cheese, Brown Rice, and Ham recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Mini...
Very flavorful recipe that uses finely diced mushrooms as filler. Be careful of the amount of Italian seasoning that you use as it can overpower the dish....
Awesome Chicken Stew with a Hint of Indian Flavor
Easy, delicious and healthy Quick Chicken Cacciatore (From Kraft Canada) recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Quick Chicken Cacciatore...
Easy, delicious and healthy Chicken Enchiladas with La Victoria Sauce recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Chicken Enchiladas with La...
Simple, savory recipe
Add more Cajun seasoning and red pepper if you like it spicier. Serve rice, salad, and hot sauce on the side.
Easy, delicious and healthy Greek Turkey Meatloaf with Tzatziki recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Greek Turkey Meatloaf with Tzatziki...
Easy, delicious and healthy Lawry's Caribbean Jerk Chicken recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Lawry's Caribbean Jerk Chicken.
My husband is part Czech so this is a favorite family dish. I entered it in to see how healthy it actually is, and considering I listed half the salt it...
This tastes really great on Chicken Cordon Bleu. We also use it to put on our mashed potatoes.
Easy, delicious and healthy Panko Ranch Chicken Tenders recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Panko Ranch Chicken Tenders.
Easy, delicious and healthy Slow Cooker Mile-High Enchilada Pie recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Slow Cooker Mile-High Enchilada...
Chicken Marsala
From Prevention.com